Dr. Falk Laser

Senior Manager

Falk has over eight years of experience in economic modeling in the areas of industrial organization and microeconomics. As an empirical economist Falk has extensive experience in data analysis applying various microeconometric methods including strategies for causal inference. His experience includes the implementation of structural models and comprehensive data analysis with a focus on damage quantification.

Co-author of a large number of economic reports and studies, his experience in competition and arbitration matters covers a wide range of sectors including industries such as forestry, food & beverages and fast-moving consumer goods as well as the chemical sector, heavy industries, large vehicles and the pharmaceutical sector. Falk has also been active as court appointed expert in a major European cartel case.

Falk also has substantial experience in state aid, for instance he analyzed the impacts of rescue and restructuring aid in the banking sector among other sectors. Falk is involved in discussions about the use of state aid to promote economic policy goals in the EU as for example within the scope of IPCEI.

Falk also has dedicated his attention to mergers and the impact of common ownership on pricing decisions by applying structural modeling and simulation techniques in various sectors including notably in banking. Further, Falk has co-worked on policy statements regarding the developments of prices in the energy market and its impact on environmental sustainability.

Falk has first-hand experience of European competition policy from his time in the Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager. At the European Commission he dealt with state aid cases in sectors such as banking, energy and heavy industries. He also spent some time at the Chief Economist of the Dutch competition authority (ACM) where he investigated the impact of mergers in the telecommunications sector on consumer prices. During a research stay at the Max-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods he conducted research on banking regulation.

Falk presented his work at various international academic conferences such as the International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC) in 2019 in Boston, the Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) in 2019 in Barcelona, the Congress of the European Economic Association in 2020 and at annual conferences of Verein für Socialpolitik. Falk assisted teaching undergraduate courses in microeconomics and international economics and several seminars at TU Darmstadt. He also published in Open Economies Review.

Falk holds a Ph.D. in Economics from TU Darmstadt and completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM) at Goethe University in Frankfurt. Falk acquired his M.Sc. in Policy Economics from the Erasmus School of Economics in Rotterdam and his B.Sc. in Economics from the University of Bonn (including a stay at the University of Toronto).

A native German speaker, he is fluent in English, has advanced knowledge of French and basic knowledge of Spanish and Czech.